Faculty Showcase talk on Smartphones, Wikis and Games for teaching and ClickTiles
On November 12, 2010 I presented on "Using Smartphones, Wikis and Games for Teaching" at the Drexel Faculty Technology Showcase. I included my most recent experience with using smartphones to deliver recorded lectures and play games, especially the ChemTiles game.
In the spirit of encouraging educators to experiment with this type of tool, Andrew Lang duplicated the code for the ChemTiles game and we re-branded it to the more general "ClickTiles". Anyone can create their own content easily by generating images (jpeg or bmp) that are 256 x 256 pixels and uploading them to this Flickr group. Simply name the images starting with "true" or "false" and tag them into a desired category. Paint is an easy to use free program that works well to create the tiles.